Week 1 – Reduce Stress and Boost Daily Functionality The 6 Week Blueprint
Lesson 17 Module 2
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1. Morning walks - these should ideally be done in the morning but can also be done right before sunset. Walk for 15-30min and if you really have time then do 90min. 2. Morning shower - it super easy to implement and help relieve any stress. 3. Herbal supplement - in the first week you would need to research the supplement you want to take. You DO NOT have to use a supplement if your worry/anxiety is mild. I recommend getting a supplement for individuals with more sever anxiety, worry or depression. My top herbal supplements are : 1. StressCare 2. Ashwagnda 3. Calm Thoughts 4. L-Theanine 4. Workout selection - think and select a 10-15 min workout that you could do at home or outside. It could be an actual workout program you buy, make one up yourself, running outside or anything else. If you want to contact me, you can do so below. |