Tip#10 – Part 2 – How to Make Better Decisions Under Stress
Lesson 13 Module 1
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Step 7: Final Decision
Put down the decision you have selected in the top box in the best detail you can. While doing so, also think of the next steps that you might want to take in order to begin the execution of this decision. It is better to write down all that comes to your mind in the NOW, since sometimes you may forget good ideas. Don’t worry if nothing comes to mind, since you can come back to it later on.
Step 8: Identify Importance
It is critical to identify WHY this decision is important to you. Since it will be beneficial if the execution steps moved you closer to the bigger goal or purpose that you may have. This way you are not wasting time in achieving your main plan.
Step 9: Worst vs. Okay vs. Best Outcomes
In this section you will determine the possible outcomes of your final decision.
WORST Scenario – think what will be the worst thing that could happen and the effect of it on your life. How would you deal with it?
OKAY Scenario – what would be the mid level outcome that you could live with while not feeling like a failure. May be, some kind of compromise that solves your problem partially and gives you insight about what else could be done in the future.
BEST Scenario – this may be the easiest one of all, because most people naturally keep focusing on this outcome even though it did not happen yet. Write what will be the best outcome for the decision that you are trying to implement.
Step 10: Pick BEST or OKAY Scenario
Look at what you have written for each scenario and block out the WORST one from your mind (cross it out on paper). You will need to accept the consequences and know that you will be able to deal with it, if it does happen.
The key is not to focus on the worst outcome at all. The greatest way to do that is to select the BEST or OKAY scenarios and focus on one of them during your execution.
The reason you want to mentally focus on the positive result, is because the negative thinking starts to diminish and you will feel better.
At this point, you want to start doing the small steps which you have identified. By doing your mind will naturally get activated and may produce ideas on how to proceed in a unique manner that you never thought before.
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