
Manage Your Fears by Re-wiring Your Amygdala

Lesson 34 Module 4

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In this video i will cover how you could REWIRE your AMYGDALA to have less fears

Amygdala - is part of your Limbic system which is located at the intersection of your eye and your ear axis (like in the picture below).

Amygdala's function - neuroscientists state that Amygdala is the center of the FEARS. Being body's warning system it can create both positive and negative associations about the environment it experiences. 

The amygdala can process positive and negative emotions as well as thoughts. This process of attributing thoughts + emotions to the physical environment happens inside Dentate Gyrus.

Why do people have Anxiety Disorders?

Amygdala is actually more neutral at birth, and it gets trained by experiences that you go through from childhood to adulthood. You, yourself teach the Amygdala how to respond and then it automatically runs this response next time you are in a similar situation. It could also be a genetic trait that you have an Amygdala that is more overactive than other people.

The anxiety disorders occur when you have a TWO things that are wrong at the same time #1) Your Neurotransmitters are out of balance   and  #2) Your Amygdala is pre-programmed to be overactive. 

To solve the neurotransmitters problem you need to workout + sleep well + eat well +reduce total stress and then re-program your Amygdala to be less overactive. 

2014 MIT Study - Neuroscientists Reverse Emotional Association in Mice

Researches have found that memory's context, including information about the location where the event took place, is stored in cells of the hippocampus, with emotions linked to that memory are found in the amygdala.

Furthermore, it was discovered that emotional associations are ENCODED somewhere in the neural circuitry that connects Dentate Gyrus to the Amygdala.  

This LINK is where you have the ability to convert negative emotions into positive ones which pertain to a certain event.

In the next lesson i will show you how to REWIRE you AMYGDALA step by step using a method which comes from Tim Ferris. Please watch the next lesson as it is very important. 

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